12 January, 2009

Enhanced Life

I got into blogging through my darling wife Krista. She is an avid BLOGGER and encouraged me to start my own BLOG. Well my title "CRUSADERSALIS" literally means a "religious journey taken with a grain of salt" - which is kind of how I see life.

But let me first define what I believe religion is: "What you believe and how you live your life" - think about it, if you believe as I do that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the World you will then try your best to follow his example and teachings.

So to sum it all up I am on an important journey (Life) but not taken to seriously (...with a grain of salt).

I believe in working hard for myself and family and having fun on the way - yeah Baby!


  1. And you know I love to have fun with you!

  2. Sweet! Welcome to the fam! Nice page. I agree totally with your way of religious thinking. Too many people take life waaayyy too seriously.

    I look forward to seeing what's next from the "Crusader"!

  3. Hey mate, I see that Krista got you doing this too! I don't have time for this, especially after working on computers all day. I don't want to be on the computer all night too. Plus, my military training of not giving out personal information doesn't help either. After 20 years, it's ingrained. :s I'll gladly look at your blog though!
